The best waste is zero waste: moving towards null


To meet the challenges of climate change, we need to transform large parts of our lives towards a circular economy.

The Greener Fête de la Musique is guided by the so-called 7xR model of the European GEX project: Reduce – Repair – Reuse – Refurbish – Recycle – Recover – Rethink.

At its core is the question of how we can decouple our growth from resource consumption in the future. In these new processes, waste should ideally be avoided completely (zero waste) and the resources should be able to be reprocessed as valuable materials in new product cycles. At the Fête de la Musique, waste is generated mostly at the catering stands, or by the drinks and disposable packaging of food and drinks brought along by the visitors.

The best waste is the waste that is not created in the first place

But your flyers, giveaways and decoration materials can also produce waste if you don’t take practical measures to reduce the amount from the outset. Especially at events in public areas and on green or open spaces, this can lead to major challenges.

Therefore, first and foremost, consider what waste prevention measures you can implement. The best waste is the waste that is not created in the first place. Maybe instead of a printed flyer or poster, a digital offer could do a better job of promoting your event?

Compostable cups are only really environmentally friendly if they are clean when collected

It’s best to plan to use reusable materials in your decorations, ones that you can also use at your next event. For the catering stands, reusable dishes and cups are of course the better solution. Ask your stand partners how they can help you to minimise waste at your event.

There are now many beverage manufacturers and breweries that have developed innovative solutions in this area and would love to present them at sustainable events. Unfortunately, compostable cups are only really environmentally friendly if they are clean when collected and then recycled in a composting plant under special conditions.

And let’s face it, this almost never happens.

Which means that reusable solutions are almost always the more environmentally friendly option. In the meantime, some non-profit organisations such as DorfwerkStadt e.V. offer reusable dishes and dishwashers for inexpensive rental. And if you still have waste at your event, separate it, if possible, so that the waste management professionals can make the best of it.

Photo by Singkham, via Pexels, used by permission