Songs born across the Atlantic

How big is the world nowadays?

For Eloy and Walter, members of Alien Bird, fortunately in these technological times, it’d be small.
They produce their songs, each one in their home studio, 11.500 km away between Berlin and Buenos Aires, exchanging files across the Atlantic and once the idea is closed, it is mixed, mastered and voila, uploaded to all the current virtual platforms, independently.

It all started at The Cavern Club in Buenos Aires, where they played in different rock bands, as interpreters. After meeting each other they discovered they had the chemistry to work together on their own songs.
But in 2017 Walter moved to Berlin and started composing in English and playing in acoustic format in the “Open stage” scene of the German capital. At the same time, no matter how far away they were, both musicians decided to start this new dynamic, to work from continent to continent.
Currently in Berlin they have Emilio Quezada from Barcelona on drums (who is in charge of mixing the songs as well) so in the near future they will start playing live as well.

Autor: Alien Bird(